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Willing to take on new challenges, we solve issues in the medical field and support the healthy livelihood of people around the world.
Day after day, ARKRAY strives to realize our mission "Contribute to the health and well-being of people all over the world through the advancement of science and the discovery of new technologies." by providing new diagnostic technologies and tests to the healthcare field.
The founder's spirit of embracing new challenges has been ceaselessly passed down to us and we have devoted ourselves to research and development in the aim of creating new values. In addition to the clinical testing devices and reagents for testing collected blood or urine samples, we currently provide comprehensive support to the medical field ranging from development, manufacturing, sales and servicing including diagnosis support tools such as software.
Recently, the focus of medicine has been shifting from conventional diagnosis and treatment to prevention and prolongment of a healthy life. Demand for promptly providing accurate test results will become higher than ever in the effort to promote more advanced healthcare services, which, we believe, will give us more opportunities in the medical field. Furthermore, in response to diversified medical needs and values in each region and country, ARKRAY has established a global structure that allows us to swiftly deliver our high value-added products to more than 100 countries and regions.
We will continue to help solve global healthcare issues, support healthy lives and improve the QOL of people by strengthening our global management and business structures and making tireless endeavors in developing new products and diagnostic technologies.
Yukitoshi Yao, Representative director